About the Artist
Sheryl Marcus

Sheryl is a lover of bright and bold colors. She uses her colorful expression in a variety of creative endeavors. Her projects include painted enamel tile, painted knobs, silk painted curtains and scarves, and silk painted talitot (prayer shawls). She has also made quilted baby blankets, dresses for her beautiful daughters, glass ornaments, decorative furniture and papercuts, and has dabbled a bit in water color and collage. Pictures of some of her other works are displayed on this site.
Glass fusing for Sheryl was a means to an end. She collects glass ornaments that she hangs in her south facing windows. After deciding she wanted to design her own creations, she enrolled in classes under the tutelage of Michel l’Huiller in Boston, first learning to design stained glass, then fused glass. She soared in Michel’s fused glass classes and branched out on her own, making mezuzahs, glass knobs, and sun-catching fused glass ornaments. She has until now sold her glass mezuzahs through word-of-mouth but at the encouragement of her customers, has launched a website to display and sell her wares. Designing these fused creations is her passion. She spends many creative hours in her workshop, often in the excellent company of her daughter and begoggled apprentice, Marielle.